My Services:

Cross Cultural Business Service

In an intercultural context I can help you with: Bringing your products into new markets, finding customers abroad and closing deals with them. Finding the right suppliers and staff for fairs or other corporate events, finding distributors for your products,  setting up branches or finding franchise partners. 

Project and Production Management

My vast experience in project management will help you to focus on the necessary things and still not forget about the details. I can support and guide your  project from the start to the end. Art festivals - trade shows - major sports events...

Events Abroad

Going abroad,  planing a roadshow for your new product or for your customer, needs a lot of preparation. Companies in other countries never think the way you do. Culture and different laws lead to assumptions and expectations which sometimes can't be met by one of the parties, let me help you to get these tripwires out of your way.

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